Monday, April 29, 2013

Custom jQuery Validators for .NET FileUpload control

The jQuery Validation plugin provides nice functionality for client-side validation and is easy to customize.  Here are some custom validators I wrote for the .NET FileUpload control (Framework 4.5).  These functions validate that a file has been selected and has the desired extension and size.

  1. (function (UTIL, $) {
  2.     "use strict";
  4.     UTIL.image_file_extensions = ['.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.bmp'];
  6.     UTIL.getFileExtension = function (filename) {
  7.         var idx = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
  8.         return filename.substring(idx, filename.length);
  9.     };
  11.     UTIL.validateFileExtensions = function (element, valid_extensions) {
  12.         var files = element.files,
  13.             i = 0,
  14.             max = files.length,
  15.             ext = '',
  16.             is_valid = true;
  18.         while (i < max && is_valid === true) {
  19.             ext = UTIL.getFileExtension(files[i].name);
  20.             is_valid = ($.inArray(ext, valid_extensions) !== -1);
  21.             i += 1;
  22.         }
  24.         return is_valid;
  25.     };
  27.     if ($.validator) {
  29.         $.validator.addMethod("fileupload_required", function (value, element) {
  30.             var is_valid = element.files.length > 0;
  31.             return is_valid;
  32.         }, "You must select a file for upload");
  34.         $.validator.addMethod("fileupload_image_extensions", function (value, element) {
  35.             var is_valid = UTIL.validateFileExtensions(element, UTIL.image_file_extensions);
  36.             return is_valid;
  37.         }, "You must select a valid image (.png, .jpg, .gif, .bmp) file for upload");
  39.         $.validator.addMethod("fileupload_size", function (value, element) {
  40.             var files = element.files,
  41.                 i = 0,
  42.                 max = files.length,
  43.                 ext = '',
  44.                 is_valid = true;
  46.             while (i < max && is_valid === true) {
  47.                 is_valid = (files[i].size <= 4194304);
  48.                 i += 1;
  49.             }
  51.             return is_valid;
  52.         }, "You must select a file that is smaller than 4 MB");
  53.     }
  55. }(Utilities, jQuery));

Once the custom validators are defined, they can be applied to any FileUpload control by defining the rules for that control:

  1. $('Form').validate({
  2.     rules.fileUploadControlUniqueId = {
  3.         fileupload_required: true,
  4.         fileupload_image_extensions: true,
  5.         fileupload_size: true
  6.     }
  7. });

Note that the validations are applied in the order that they are added to the rules object.  In the example above, the FileUpload control would be validated first for a required file, then for the file extension, then for file size.

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