Thursday, December 5, 2013

How to reuse a SQL statement

I needed to create a stored procedure that would call a somewhat complex SELECT statement using T-SQL full text search (CONTAINS/CONTAINSTABLE). The result set would be filtered differently depending on parameter values passed into the stored procedure.  I didn't want to copy and paste the full SELECT statement into multiple IF/THEN/ELSE blocks.

I considered two options:

  1. Create a shared stored procedure to return a "base" recordset, and then call that stored procedure from other stored procedures that would further filter the "base" recordset
  2. Generate dynamic SQL within an IF/THEN/ELSE structure and then execute the dynamic SQL at the end.

I found this link which provided great information on how to pass a result set from one stored procedure to another:

I decided against Option #1 because the best option involves the creation of a temporary table.  I was worried about performance and also maintaining the declaration of the temporary table in the calling stored procedures in the event of a design change to the source table.

This link provided enough information for me to generate and execute dynamic SQL:

Here is the final design of my stored procedure:

   1: USE [MyDatabase]
   2: GO
   3: /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[SearchMessages]    Script Date: 12/05/2013 14:37:41 ******/
   5: GO
   7: GO
   9: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SearchMessages]
  10:     @limit INT = -1
  11:     ,@and_search_terms NVARCHAR(4000) = ''
  12:     ,@or_search_terms NVARCHAR(4000) = ''
  13:     ,@xml_include_message_types XML = ''
  14:     ,@xml_exclude_message_types XML = ''
  15: AS
  16: BEGIN
  17:     SET NOCOUNT ON;
  19:     DECLARE @idoc int;
  20:     DECLARE @select_msg_type_prefix NVARCHAR(40) = 'SELECT A.* FROM ( ';
  21:     DECLARE @select_msg_type_suffix NVARCHAR(4) = ') A ';
  22:     DECLARE @select_msg_type_where NVARCHAR(150);
  23:     DECLARE @select_msg_type_orderby NVARCHAR(100) = ' ORDER BY A.select_rank, A.rank DESC, A.title';
  24:     DECLARE @select_final NVARCHAR(MAX);
  26:     DECLARE @select_rnk_msg NVARCHAR(1000) =
  27:         '
  28:         SELECT RNK_MSG.* 
  29:         FROM (
  30:             SELECT m.*, 1 as select_rank, km.rank
  31:             FROM dbo.MY_TABLE m
  32:             INNER JOIN
  33:                 CONTAINSTABLE(dbo.MY_TABLE, (msg_text, location, title), @and_search_terms) as km
  34:                 ON m.msg_id = km.[KEY]
  35:             UNION
  36:             SELECT m.*, 2 as select_rank, km.rank
  37:             FROM dbo.MY_TABLE m
  38:             INNER JOIN
  39:                 CONTAINSTABLE(dbo.MY_TABLE, (msg_text, location, title), @or_search_terms) as km
  40:                 ON m.msg_id = km.[KEY]
  41:             WHERE m.msg_id NOT IN (SELECT msg_id FROM dbo.MY_TABLE WHERE CONTAINS((msg_text, location, title), @and_search_terms))
  42:         ) RNK_MSG
  43:         WHERE RNK_MSG.status != ''N'' AND RNK_MSG.delete_ind != 1
  44:         '
  45:         ;
  47:     IF @limit >= 0
  48:     BEGIN
  49:         set @select_msg_type_prefix = 'SELECT TOP (@limit) A.* FROM ( ';
  50:     END
  52:     IF @xml_include_message_types IS NOT NULL AND @xml_include_message_types.exist('/MessageTypes') = 1
  53:     BEGIN
  54:         EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @xml_include_message_types
  56:         SET @select_msg_type_where =
  57:         'WHERE A.message_type_id IN (SELECT * FROM OPENXML (@idoc, ''/MessageTypes/Type'', 1) WITH (ID char(1)))';
  58:     END
  59:     ELSE IF @xml_exclude_message_types IS NOT NULL AND @xml_exclude_message_types.exist('/MessageTypes') = 1
  60:     BEGIN
  61:         EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @xml_exclude_message_types
  63:         SET @select_msg_type_where =
  64:         'WHERE A.message_type_id NOT IN (SELECT * FROM OPENXML (@idoc, ''/MessageTypes/Type'', 1) WITH (ID char(1)))';
  65:     END
  66:     ELSE
  67:     BEGIN
  68:         SET @select_msg_type_where = '';
  69:     END
  71:     SET @select_final = @select_msg_type_prefix + @select_rnk_msg + @select_msg_type_suffix + @select_msg_type_where + @select_msg_type_orderby;
  72:     EXEC sp_executesql @select_final
  73:         ,N'@idoc INT,@limit INT,@and_search_terms NVARCHAR(4000),@or_search_terms NVARCHAR(4000)'
  74:         ,@idoc=@idoc,@limit=@limit,@and_search_terms=@and_search_terms,@or_search_terms=@or_search_terms;
  76: END

1 comment:

  1. Your lecture help me a loads thank you.,��
